百年配方 · 澳門第一支馬拉盞,品牌始創于上世紀公元1998年。 黃佩蘭女仕(牛牛婆婆),是緬甸歸國華僑,定居澳門,用家傳秘方於1998年生產出澳門第一支“馬拉盞”,並創立“牛牛企業”。 經過多年不斷努力、改良並生產出多種富東南亞風味及具有澳門特色的緬甸食品。東南亞風味食品,總是以“辣”味先行,經過多年不斷的改良,不斷把“辣”味多元化,帶出“辣”味更高境界,挑戰“辣”味的極限。 “馬拉盞”食品系列多元化,以完善健康為宗旨,製成一系列不同味道的“馬拉盞”,以上等乾貝、蝦米乾、胡椒、麻辣椒及泰國辣椒等眾多材料,以精密工藝釀製而成,製作繁複,品味獨特細味,早已主導澳門調味食品市場,產品更遠銷至香港及中國南部省份。
FORTITUDE的創立是為著以創意去鼓勵人要勇敢面對生活中種種挑戰,只有相信自己,才能活出精采人生。以此作為一種精神配合創意與各個不同的品牌聯成,宣揚『從逆境及痛苦中展現勇氣!』的FORTITUDE精神。涉及範圍之廣,包括平⾯設計,塗鴉,音樂,服裝,插畫以至其他不同類型的商品。 FORTITUDE URBAN ART & CULTURE FORTITUDE was founded to creatively encourage people to confront fearlessly the challenges in life. Only with belief in yourself will you live a brilliant life. The spirit, together with inspirations and connections with different brands, shows the detonations of FORTITUDE—Display bravery against adversity and agony. The brand is comprised of diversified services and products in graphic design, graffiti, music, garments, illustrations and etc.
哈米萊斯-由一個安達盧西亞人Sebastian Ramirez創建於葡萄牙南部阿爾加維市(Algarve)聖安東尼奧區(Vila Real de Santo Antõnio),1865年,當時公司主要經營醃制廠與紡織廠的活動。1876年,成立第一家無菌魚類罐頭工廠。一戰期間,Ramirez的產量與出口貿易交易額都巨幅增長,在其他地方都有了很多分廠。二戰期間,英國,紅十字會,比利 時,德國等都是Ramirez最主要的歐洲客戶。20世紀40年代中期,Ramirez在馬 托西紐什(Matosinhos)建立了新的工廠並制定了出口戰略。這一舉措使得Ramirez能夠在接下來幾十年的經濟危機中鞏固了它的市場地位。60年代,Ramirez始終致力於對產品的創新,改善及對品質的嚴格把控。這10年內,Ramirez利用拉環使得罐頭的打開更加便捷進而將產品提升到國際水準。目前,哈米萊斯的產品遠銷43個國家。它所擁有的現代化工廠使它能夠在保證它旗下各類品牌共計45種產品。高品質的同時,不斷對其進行創新改革。
蘇格登 Singleton
蘇格登 Singleton創立於1838年,誕生於GlenOrd傳統蒸餾酒廠,承襲19世紀的傳統工藝。來自黑島的精選大麥,融合蘇格蘭高地天地之水釀造,再以銅製罐式蒸餾器,小批次蒸餾淬煉,堅持逾百小時的守候,在陳年甜美雪莉酒桶與細緻波本酒桶的交融之下,充分展現了圓潤滑順而層次豐富的平衡口感。長時間低溫冷發酵,造就蘇格登12年豐郁柔順的口感,溫潤香氣的酒體,成就完美平衡口感。 正因如此,The Singleton Of GlenOrd蘇格登單一純麥威士忌僅在亞州販賣,為了堅持質量,不希望為了提高產能,為了在其它地區販賣,而降低了的質量。使用50%Bourbon Oak Barrel + 50% Sherry OakBarrel,在特色上呈現順口、酒體厚實(即使加水加冰塊飲用,琥珀色澤也不會因此淡出)。
Memória Lusa
MEMÓRIA LUSA é uma marca registada portuguesa.Inspiramos-nos na nossa cultura, nos usos e costumes do nosso povo, nas lendas e tradições das nossas regiões, nos símbolos do que é mais nosso e, do que nos fica na memória, fica, para que possamos regressar a momentos imaginários, vincados pela intensidade do que vivemos, recriando com um toque de modernidade e pedacinhos de identidade portuguesa, peças de cerâmica com alma, memória e paixão. MEMORY LUSA® is a registered trademark.We breathe in our culture, traditions and customs of our people, in the legends and traditions of our regions, in symbols of what is ours and, anymore than we have in memory, is so that we can return to imaginary moments, stark at the intensity of what we live, recreating with a touch of modernity and pieces of Portuguese identity, ceramics with soul , memory and passion.
ÀO,澳門品牌。英文為“Aesthetic and Original”,即“審美與根源”:品牌概念在把孕育著澳門文化的根源與美麗,用特別的方式與產品呈現給大家。ÀO美容系列,就是一個可以呈現以上理念的最好方式。ÀO不但會在系列內注入孕育著澳門文化的各種元素外,還可以讓您變得美麗,感受美麗。我們相信,ÀO將會堅守理念,把澳門文化的源與美,用獨特的方式送給您。ÀO is a Macau skin care brand developed by Hanmay Company Limited, a company majored in cosmetic, skin care and personal care products. "ÀO" stands for Aesthetic and Original, our slogan is “Appreciation of beauty and Orginal of nature beauty”. Our scents and ingredients are blended using nature. Focusing on bring out the best in human.
Casa do Chascada
A Casa do Chascada surgiu do espírito de empreendedorismo de Ana Maria Moreira. Ao ficar desempregada, perto dos 40 anos, a produtora e criadora da marca decidiu que era hora de se lançar no seu próprio projeto. Depois de algumas formações e workshops, Ana decidiu que a produção de cogumelos Shiitake iria ser o seu futuro. A empreendedora traçou o seu plano e criou a Casa do Chascada.
A empresa iniciou a sua actividade no início de 2012. A marca é o resultado da evolução do projeto de sucesso Candle Design criado em 2005 por Patricia Paes Leme. Em 2011 associou-se a Rui Pimenta, com quem desenvolveu um novo projeto de investimento para a internacionalização da marca. Assim, em 2012, a Candle In nasce para o mercado a partir da união de três empresários portugueses. Em 2014 a Candle In foi contemplada com o projeto QREN e iniciou o seu processo de internacionalização. Hoje em dia, a marca portuguesa já se encontra presente nos cinco continentes. O principal foco da Candle In é o desenvolvimento de projetos criativos e inovadores, com uma clara aposta no design português. Estamos presentes em todas as etapas do processo, da idealização à comercialização final.
Real Saboaria
Real Saboaria believes that personal care should be an everyday pursuit. It’s really that simple. Our products are meant to keep your skin balanced. And balance is the principle behind everything we do: from the way we source raw materials to the way we conduct business, from the communities we employ to the partners we pick. We believe in affordable luxury, delivering premium ingredients and providing exceptional results. Our permanent dissatisfaction leads to continuous improvement.
futah® is made with a unique fabric, inspired by traditional Arab towels. With the utmost respect for this ancient art, we reinvented the concept, perfecting the composition of the fabric and developing original patterns inspired by the Portuguese beaches we grew up on. The outcome is a light and resistant towel composed from 100% cotton, that dries fast and yet occupies very little space — perfect for hot days and cool nights. All materials used in the production of our products are carefully selected and our factories are certified with STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® guaranteeing the best practices of the textile industry.Throughout the value chain futah® is committed to operate in an ethical and sustainable manner.
WestMister – the finest socks. It is of small great details that this new Brand of Men's socks is made. 100% Made in Portugal, WestMister is a new Portuguese Brand of Underwear for Men that aims at promoting the identity of the national product and conquering the most demanding international markets. The irreverence and quality are the main characteristics of our Brand. WestMister is created in 2016 by Luís Campos and Vanessa Marques, who have many years of experience in the textile area and are now seeking to combine their know-how with the strong tradition of the textile sector in Portugal. This strong tradition and its recognised capacity and competence in the world make us believe in the potential of our brand.
Goo.N 大王
澳門恆翀集團有限公司成立於2011年,成立以來,公司一直以香煙類別作研發為主,如品牌、產品配方、外觀設計及營銷計劃等。在業務上,我們客戶以批發商及免稅店市場為主。地域覆蓋澳門、香港、珠海、深圳,以及海外的泰國、越南、澳洲等。 公司一直有著創立自家品牌的幹勁,在2017年尾,決心加入護膚行業,並在2018年中旬創立了澳門護膚品牌《LALUNEBLEUE》。從原材料去想,我們一直以天然為本的理念,尋求真、有營、有底蘊的元素。我們發現,銀雪耳是中國四川的發祥地,《神農本草經》中記載銀雪耳性平無毒,富含人體必需的胺基酸而享譽中外,但還沒發明人工培植之前,別說是老百姓,就算是皇親國戚、逹官貴人,即使腰纏萬貫也不一定吃到。因此我們最終決定採用銀雪耳為《LALUNEBLEUE》的原材料。 未來,我們要把《LALUNEBLEUE》培育成為澳門的代表,成為「粵港澳大灣區」的代表,也要以一帶一路以及葡語系國家平台的身份,把《LALUNEBLEUE》帶出世界。
藥劑師Lou Segal, 在一次非洲渡假時,發現當地土著們都有一頭健康濃密的頭髮, 驚訝羡慕之餘, 致力研究其原因, 發現此乃歸功於他們的 “聖水”– 祭神時他們往頭上塗抹的植物漿液, 這種漿液採用多種植物精華, (包括Horsetail Extract-high in Silicate, Coltsfoot Extract, Nettle Extract, Burdock Root, Comfrey Extract, Rosemary Extract and Chamomile Extract等), 能令髮絲豐盛亮澤。及後, Lou採用此配方研製成一系列護髮產品, 用者使用後發現能減少脫髮及令新髮再現。 其後, 他的兒子Daryl (也是藥劑師), 努力研究及改良其父親的配方, 加入公認最有效的活髮元素, 並研製出一系列包括洗髮水,護髮素及活髮精華的新髮現®活髮系列。
Lisbão Portugal Sabonete Azulejos
Contraction between “Lisboa" (lisbon) and “sabão” (soap), LISBÃO is the name of a unique brand created in the center of Portugal’s capital city. Our handmade soaps are fantastic ambassadors of the Portuguese culture that we are proud to promote. We would like to bring our original typically portuguese scents to homes around the world such as our “carioca de limão” (old fashioned lemon tea) or ”amendoa amarga” (bitter almond licor). With this product we hope to raise people’s awareness on the importance of respecting and preserving one of the richest cultural heritage in Portugal, its tiles, because after all, they are nothing less than the skin of Portugal.
美麗、療癒、華貴—為生活創造不一樣的氛圍。 一切源自植物的生長密碼。從遠古時代開始就有很多關於植物的美麗傳說,每一種植物為了適應自身的生存環境,都擁有其獨特的生長特性。 生長在高海拔嚴寒地區的植物就像一個天然冰箱,擁有防腐抗菌的不老之身;生存在深海和沙漠的植物,終年缺乏陽光或水份的眷顧,卻擁有強大的自我滋養和保濕能力。樹幹受傷時,傷口會流出樹脂密封傷口來殺死昆蟲及防止真菌入侵;花草植物會散發氣味來防止蟲害,吸引益蟲授粉,以延續生命。 植物,乃是大自然的饋贈,它們最少地為肌膚帶來負擔,更不會破壞地球環境的平衡。環保,永遠是使用植物保養品的最佳理由。 把植物基因藍圖結合細胞基因科技運用在保養品當中,讓肌膚恢復自身調節的自我修復美容力。 因此,推崇天然環保對美麗擁有追美的英國香薰治療師的LaitPur創辦人帶領一隊專業的皮膚科醫生和植物學家研發了純天然、無添加、最有效的護膚品牌LaitPur。運用植物的基因藍圖和配合先進基因科技把植物華麗地轉化為給皮膚最有效的精華,給予人們植物護膚的鑰匙。在充斥著化學污染的現代社會中,致力於為人們提供最自然的保養方式,用來自大自然的純凈生命力來調動肌膚自身的活力,在回歸自然的同時能享受現代社會的文明。
東南亞醬料一向給人一種辛辣濃味的感覺,我們憑著十多年製作醬料的經驗,除了保留東南亞醬料原本的風味外,更重要的是從味道來迎合港澳人的口味,只需簡單方便的烹調方式,便可在家中烹調出富有東南亞風味的餸菜和麵食,這就是”金塔牌”醬料一向以來製作宗旨-(好味.方便)。各種不同口味 (蝦米, 瑤柱, 鹹魚瑤柱, 鮑魚瑤柱) 的馬拉盞為一碗平凡無其的麵食增添了不少東南亞口味,一包用鮮魚肉炮製緬甸魚湯粉湯料包,令一項工序繁複的傳統美食都可以安坐家中輕鬆地烹調出來,一樽選用十足新鮮香料炮製出來的咖哩醬,令魚蛋這樣普通的食材也變得好味到令人一再回味。全澳僅餘一間店舖每天仍然可以供應鮮搾椰汁,對食物有要求的廚師一般都知道,鮮椰汁的果香甜味,非一般罐裝椰汁可比美。 除了研製醬料和鮮搾椰汁外,我們的廚房每天還製作各種不同的小食和東南亞飯餸供門市售賣。 二零一八年六月,金塔食品廠成功考獲ISO22000 和 HACCP 兩個國際食品安全認證證書,我們會因應生產線上各個高風險地方設立監控點,並詳細記錄每一個工序的處理以便日後監察和追踪索源,再加上ISO22000 和 HACCP 每年要求我們外騁專業的審核員前來覆審和三年一次的大審,確保我們整個生產安全程序不會因時間過去而有所鬆懈,進一步提升客戶對我們產品的信心。